Holy Cross Academy’s Advanced Math program begins in the fifth grade. Students may enter or leave the program at any grade level, in accordance with the following requirements and established rubrics. Fifth and sixth grade curriculum will cover fifth and sixth grade level standards, albeit at a quicker pace and deeper level. Students in fifth and sixth grade may pursue high level mathematics throughout the year. This is dependent on the class's progression and mastery through topics. Seventh grade will be a Pre-Algebra/Algebra based curriculum, preparing the students to take a high school Algebra 1math curriculum in eighth grade.
Students must maintain an 83% report card grade while taking advanced math to remain in the program. Failure to meet this requirement will result in a parent conference and a decision if the student should remain in the class. Seventh grade Pre-Algebra students must finish the year with an 85% cumulative report card grade to advance to Algebra 1advanced math in eighth grade. Students qualifying for higher math levels will be addressed on a case-by-case basis. The Principal will have final authority over a child’s class placement.
Please Note: An advanced math student learns concepts quickly and retains them easily. The student should require minimal explanation or re-teaching of any concept. It is more harmful developmentally to push children or tutor them to remain in a program.