Grade 6 Novels: A Long Walk to Water (Linda Sue Park), Wonder (RJ Palacio), Out of My Mind (Sharon M. Draper)
Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop explicitly teaches vocabulary through students’ active participation and collaboration to learn word meanings, share ideas, and engage with words in writing and speaking activities.
Sadlier Grammar Workshop helps students master grade-appropriate conventions of standard English through instruction with models, ample practice, and immediate application of skills. Divided into six units, each level focuses on teaching the conventions of standard English-grammar, usage, and mechanics-as well as, the writing process and grammar in the context of reading and writing.
enVision Mathematics is a math program that combines problem based learning with visual learning to deepen students’ conceptual understanding. The lessons start with problem based learning. Students will think critically about real-world math problems, evaluate options, collaborate and present solutions. This is followed by visual learning to solidify the underlying math concepts. In conclusion, the children have a better understanding of math ideas. This program has received top honors for supporting students at all levels.
IXL Math is a supplemental mathematics curriculum designed to provide differentiated and adaptive mathematics instruction. Students work independently in a computer-based platform to complete activities gaining fluency and confidence in math! IXL helps students master essential skills at their own pace through fun and interactive questions, built in support, and motivating awards. IXL offers personalized skill recommendations based on what each student has been practicing, so they can grow from where they are. IXL enables teachers to track individual students' growth toward milestones, whether they're working ahead or part of an intervention program, get precise insight into student knowledge, and see at a glance the strides students have made and where they still have room to grow.
*Students have the opportunity to test into Advanced Math, placing them in a track to participate in Algebra 1. Specific criteria must be met for this consideration. Students in Advanced Math work across multi grade level standards to push their critical thinking and math skills to a high level. Understanding of concepts is deepened and mastered to ensure preparation for high school math in the later elementary years.*
IXL Math is the mathematics curriculum used in 6th Grade Advanced Math, and is designed to provide differentiated and adaptive mathematics instruction. Students complete IXL modules with rigor and cover math standards typical of an Pre-Algebra/Algebra program. Students work independently in a computer-based platform to complete activities gaining fluency and confidence in math. IXL enables the teacher to track individual students' growth toward milestones, get precise insight into student knowledge, and see at a glance the strides students have made and where they still have room to grow.
All Ye Lands (Catholic Textbook Project) takes students on a journey through world history and culture from prehistory through the Greeks, the rise of Christianity, up through the Middle Ages, as well as developments in China, Japan, Russia, Europe and Africa. Told as a series of historically accurate stories, the textbook includes thumbnail biographies, lives of the saints, maps, and illustrations, providing students with the necessary standard historical knowledge, while also giving credit to the contributions of and to the Catholic Church. Additionally, students hone their geography skills with the use of vivid color photos, drawings, and maps.
Pearson Science Explorer Textbook Series and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt - Science are designed to guide the students in developing their cognitive understanding of the importance of science education in the complete learning process. Themes of Curiosity, Radical Imagination, and Innovation are hallmarks of science education for envisioning the educational development of our students and their future success in local high school curricula. Content covered in sixth grade includes Measurement & Scientific Method, Local Estuary Exploration & Problem Solving Local Pollution, Earth's History,Structure & Systems, Weathering & Erosion, Human Impact on Earth's Systems, Competition for Resources: Food Webs, Parts of a Food Chain, Energy Flow in the Environment, Predators & Prey, Decomposition, a Human Systems of Body Project and Microscopy Labs. STEM based learning teaching strategies are integrated into each chapter, with opportunities for group, independent, and differentiated projects.
Discovery Education Techbook digital textbook series aligns with the Next Generation Science Standards. These resources are used to further curiosity and enhance learning of content taught from the core program.
*Religion is infused across all disciplines at Holy Cross Academy. The school community meets together to worship monthly, weekly class masses as well as seasonal prayer services. There are also scheduled opportunities for students to attend Adoration, Stations of the Cross, and the Sacrament of Penance. Students may also elect to be an altar server.
Word of Life centers on an initial proclamation of the gospel message. The curriculum is firmly rooted in Sacred Scripture and the history of salvation. Students will be immersed in the historical reality of God’s entering time and inviting all people into communion with Him. The Word of Life series has been strategically developed to present the fullness of the faith in a way that can resonate with students today. Students will be presented with practical situations and concrete examples of virtuous and holy character. The Word of Life series teaches students the truth about their identity, dignity, and purpose. Additionally, the curriculum not only prepares students for liturgical celebration, but also equips them for ongoing reflection following their participation in liturgy and the sacraments.
Growing with God Safe and Sacred is a program that offers a practical and systematic approach to child safety, social development and emotional development. Students are taught to see themselves and others as children of God inherently deserving of respect and care. Elements of St. Pope John Paul II encyclical Theology of the Body are utilized to remind students that life is a gift and we are to treat the human body with respect.
Realidades Digital Edition is a widely recognized and respected language curriculum, which provides standards-based instruction that integrates vocabulary, grammar, communication, culture, and digital learning. This balanced approach is built upon the principles of backward design with assessment aligned with instruction. The program features many resources for differentiated instruction that are available in print or online. The Digital Courseware,, offers a powerful online learning system for middle school and high school Spanish programs. Along with holidays and culture related to the Spanish-speaking world, topics of study in the sixth grade include Greetings & Introductions, Numbers, Time, Parts of the Body, The Calendar, The Classroom, Question Words, Weather and Seasons, Likes and Dislikes, along with Personality Traits. Grammar topics include Adjectives, Articles, Subject Pronouns, Infinitives, Word Order, Expressing Agreement and Disagreement. Students also study a variety of prayers and saints interweaving the Catholic faith in a culturally authentic way. Additionally, students explore the geography of the Spanish-speaking world using multiple resources, including text and online maps.
Students meet once per week for 60 minutes in the following special subject areas:
The standards for sixth grade Visual Arts use the elements of art and principles of design as a framework to investigate a variety of experiences and concepts. Students will understand the factors that distinguish artistic styles and the role of art in culture; students will determine how artists convey meaning through the use of forms, media and symbols. Students will begin to evaluate the effects of various influences on the visual arts. Emphasis is placed on the artistic process including idea development, production and reflection to achieve a final piece of art.
Sixth grade Physical Education addresses the needs of all students through diversified skill development and activities designed to implement locomotor, non-locomotor, manipulative, non-manipulative skills, with and without equipment. Sixth grade students typically are put into different invasive types of games to get them thinking and working together cooperatively with other classmates. The goal of our physical education program is to involve the body in developing lifetime skills necessary for individual and team sports.
Living the Virtues
Holy Cross Academy strives to create a culture of kindness that allows us to grow in faith as well as in our everyday lives. Our Living the Virtues program guides students as they grow in virtuousness and teaches them to see the virtues as concrete expressions of our Catholic faith. The program and curriculum are structured on the teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas regarding the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Living the Virtues teaches students character education and life skills through the study of virtues as well as the lives of the saints, and relates them to situations today in an age-appropriate way. Students role play in groups, work through solutions, read the Bible and translate it into pictures or words to discover and understand what God is telling us. Techniques of dealing with emotions, maintaining friendships, time management, as well as preventing and recognizing bullying behaviors are also incorporated into the curriculum.
The Middle School Music Education program for sixth graders is designed to provide a comprehensive and well-rounded musical education. It aims to deepen students’ understanding of music through theory, history, performance, composition, and appreciation of various musical styles and cultures. This curriculum supports students in their musical growth and exploration. Materials for this curriculum include sheet music, musical instruments, audio recordings, music software, and technology for recording.
PLTW curriculum utilized in our STEM program is designed to empower students to thrive in an evolving world and focuses on connections to a variety of New Jersey State Learning Standards for Computer Science, Math and English Language Arts. Holy Cross Academy partners with PLTW to offer a hands-on, project-based approach to learning for students in Grades K-8. The program incorporates Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM) skills needed for future success. Sixth grade students engage in PLTW’s Gateway program, with topics that include Flight & Space, Computer Science for Innovators & Makers, and Medical Detectives. In addition to PLTW programs, students work on a variety of technology-based skills such as Google Tools for Education and Coding, all while incorporating and taking the Catholic values that we use in our real world with us into the digital world.