Holy Cross Academy is a ministry of Holy Cross Parish, under the jurisdiction of the Diocese of Trenton. As such, this school follows all doctrines and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church and operates under the authority of the Bishop of the Diocese of Trenton with the administration of the Department of Catholic Schools.
Our Catholic identity is the foundation of everything we do; it frames how we communicate with one another and our entire curriculum. It is the most important aspect of our school community. Our program is taught as a core academic subject and contains a balance of doctrinal content, scriptural understanding, faith formation, prayer and worship experiences.
In addition to scheduled class time for religious education, our students participate in daily prayer at the start and conclusion of the school day and lunch, monthly Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Stations of the Cross, and service opportunities throughout the school year.
For those from other religious traditions, we encourage your family to be united in the practice of your religious beliefs. Children who are not Catholic are expected to attend our religious services, class instructions and to maintain a respectful attitude towards our beliefs and practices.
The moral and character formation of students is a priority at HCA. Thus, service to others and to the community is an essential part of the curriculum through the seven Corporal Works of Mercy.
Each grade level participates in service projects during the year, as well as school-wide service projects. Through our service projects students are given the opportunity to share with others the gifts they have received.
In addition, Grade 7 and 8 students each complete 15 hours of Christian service in preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Among others, our students often volunteer for:
Students of Holy Cross receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist in second grade. They receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in eighth grade. The sacramental program requires parents to attend special meetings prior to the child’s reception of each of the sacraments.